How To Get An Unsullied Heart And Greater Blood Essence In V Rising

During the mid-game portion of V Rising, you will come across a mission that requires you to upgrade your base with different items. At the heart of these missions is the item called the Greater Blood Essence, which, as the name implies, is a more advanced version of the standard Blood Essence. The standard form of Blood Essence powers the Castle Heart, which keeps your castle up and running. The greater version of it allows you to craft items such as the Servant’s Coffin and higher-quality weapons and armor. However, in order to acquire the Greater Blood Essence, you need another material called an Unsullied Heart.

As with most survival-crafting titles, there are certain items that are far more difficult to locate than others. The Unsullied Heart is one of those items. Players have been stumped trying to acquire the material at any point in V Rising Come from Sports betting site VPbet . If you’re looking to craft the Greater Blood Essence but need the Unsullied Heart, we try and help offer some ways to acquire it in the guide below.

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