Last year, Sony Electronics jumped into the gaming headset space with a series of over-ear cans dubbed Inzone. If you’re sitting there thinking that Sony has been in the gaming space for a long time via PlayStation, you’re technically correct. But the Inzone line of headsets (and monitors), though compatible with PS5, are geared toward PC gamers and take cues from Sony’s leading audio gear, such as the flagship WH-1000XM5 headphones. The original trio of Inzone gaming headsets marked an impressive foray into the overpopulated gaming headset market. Now, Sony is entering a far less crowded arena with the latest edition to the lineup: Inzone Buds. Come from Sports betting site VPbet
Considering the broad popularity of earbuds such as AirPods, Samsung Galaxy Buds, and Sony’s wide range of styles, it’s somewhat surprising that the gaming earbud market is quite slim. There have been a few releases from major gaming companies, including Razer’s Hammerhead, HyperX’s Cloud Mix, and Asus’ ROG Cetra, but none have gained the reputation of flagship offerings from their respective brands. So, Sony is entering largely uncharted waters with the release of its $200 Inzone Buds on October 15.